港西營盤近香港大學站連平台 2房歡迎學生可提供床,洗衣機.雪櫃租金:19800元 #香港 #西營盤 #香港大學 #96014
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RENT | Midlevel Central, 766 net ft, 2 Room 1 CP, $65,000 (#96126)
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RENT| Kennedy Town 1 Room $18,800 (#68069)
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Sands st 38 Net 360’ , $18,800 Feature: A charming newly renovated one-bedroom studio full- service flat located in the heart of Kennedy Town. Situated just a two-minute walk from the MTR, this conveniently located offers easy access to the bustling city. With numerous restaurants, and services nearby. Being a high-floor flat with elevator, the flat has a fresh and modern aura. Experience the convenience and charm of this newly renovated flat. Don't miss the opportunity to make this stylish apartment your cozy home in Kennedy Town. 📱➡️ Enquiry: 90704788/ 65920242
RENT | Woodland Court 2-3 woodland terrace Net 394 sq ft2 bedrooms HK$18.5K
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租 RENT | Kennedy Town 790 net ft 3 Bedrooms | Fresh Air Balcony Seaview Unit | 堅尼地城三房790呎 陽台 海景單位 🌄 $38,000
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租 西營盤 第二街 唐二樓(1/F) $15,300 365呎 兩房 傢私 歡迎學生 ☎️➡️9️⃣0️⃣7️⃣0️⃣4️⃣7️⃣8️⃣8️⃣(#98319)
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租 香港 上環 荷李活華庭 3房 765尺 租:$33,000 ☎️➡️9️⃣0️⃣7️⃣0️⃣4️⃣7️⃣8️⃣8️⃣
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HOLLYWOOD TERRACE 荷李活華庭 Rent: $33,000 Saleable:765ft² | Gross:940ft² Layout:3 Rm(1 Suite)2 Area 📱➡️ 查詢: wa.me/85290704788 🏡荷李活華庭一向係三房家庭客至愛,皆因租金和室內面積比,性價比極高!加上鄰近皇后大道及上環港鐵站,位處上環中心點,無論返工返學都非常方便! 🪟大廈擁有雙出入口,分別位於皇后大道及荷李活道,無論坐地鐵或來往中環金融核心地區亦非常方便。門外🚌26號巴士沿荷李活道前往中環,金鐘,灣仔,銅鑼灣,大坑,勵德邨地段,非常方便。 上手租客亦為家庭客人,因此亦保留一些🤹小朋友喜愛的牆紙貼,防撞膠貼等等。室內優質木地板,為家居增添古典氣派和家庭和暖感。 ---